Fitness Trainer Coaching Programme
The Only Proven Results-Based Business-Building System
For Fitness Trainers
For Fitness Trainers

A Very Warm Welcome =)
The Fitness Trainer Coaching Programme will teach you how to become a highly-paid fitness trainer. Using an arsenal of tools, you will learn how to build a successful fitness business.
I look forward to seeing you become the next success story and receiving your testimonial!

Fitness Business Masterclass Videos
The videos are power-packed with proven systems and techniques to help you build your fitness business from scratch. Covering topics ranging from rapport building, sales to training principles, learn the little secrets that make this business so profitable.

Fitness Business Masterclass Audios
The audios are your handy companion while on the go. Listening to them will help you crystallize your strategies. They need not be listened in order. Rather, they are designed to help you grow throughout your fitness business journey.

Personal Training Agreement & Legal Waiver Contracts
The client contracts state the legal rights of both parties as you build your fitness business. Most importantly, you should celebrate your success as they symbolise the start of a trainer-client relationship.

Double Your Client Base Automation System
The scripts really take all the guesswork out of you. They serve two objectives - to allow you to be more confident and to close more sales. Tested on thousands of clients, they work to help you convert leads into paying clients.

3 Month Mentoring
As the name suggests, this 3-month mentoring is highly personal and productive. It starts from the date you enroll as a student on FTCP. Because when you are successful, I become successful too.

Internationally Accredited Personal Trainer Certification
We all acknowledge the importance of certification as it does increase your credibility. Bolster your confidence further as you learn how to plan workout programmes and mealplans under this internationally recognised personal trainer certification.

Booster Resources
Just like how ninjas operate with stealth employing various secrets tools, the resources here are added to boost your brand mojo. Master them and become the only logical choice in the industry.
Copyright © 2015 - Lionel Lim Fitness Trainer Coaching Programme Singapore | Fitness Personality, Multi-Award Winning Business Entrepreneur, Branding Strategist, Business Building Specialist, Human Potential Expert - All Rights Reserved